I waited till I was at the front of the sue, and went in. I sat in what felt like a dentist's chair, and the doctor started prying my nostrils wide and putting hoses up to spray all this stuff up there. I kept trying to say that I had THROAT problems, and my nose was fine, but hey….I survived. What interesting instruments they had. After a few more gesture games, the doctor gestured for me to go into the nebulizer room, where I sat and breathed in some sort of medical fumes for 3 minutes.
(Twas a glorified humidifier)
I paid 10 bucks, and walked across the street to the pharmacy, and talked moderate English with the pharmacist (phew.) Got it all figured out, and I'm feeling amazing already.
I'm taking the stuff on the right. As for the stuff on the left, they're heavy pain killers. The doctor thought I was in pain or something. I don't think I'll need them, but hey, there they are.
They also gave me this little medical journal, with my prescription and details of my visit, so if I need to make another appointment, they can just look at my history. I'm liking that idea.
Ok so the biggest reason I went to the doctor was so I could still go to Takarazuka this weekend. I would die if I got kicked out due to coughing, hence why I swallowed my fear and went to the doctor.
Because todaaaaaay I'm going to see TAKARAZUKA!!!!!!! I don't think I could have ever predicted that I'd end up liking something as far-out as this, but what Disneyland is to Rob, Transformers is to Jack, and Beatles is to Dad, Takarazuka is to me. I'm usually not a fan of big displays of cheerful happy musical stuff, but this is my one big exception.
Ok so I haven't blogged for a few weeks, but I've taken a few random photos. So here are some random moments that have happened over the last few weeks.
I stayed at Minori's house one of those weekends. Since it's colder now, the winter foods are starting to appear. One of the big winter dishes is nabe or "hot pot". Freaking delicious, as always. Tofu, mushroom, lettuce, bamboo, salmon ….rats I can't remember the rest. But you pretty much have it on a little mini stove on the table and keep it simmering all through dinner. It was delicious, Minori's Mom is amazing.
This is Minori's nephew, Kiroshiro. He's freaking adorable, and isn't afraid of me anymore! YAY!
This was on Halloween at school. One of the student's Bento lunches.
Here's the school lunch version.
So at C.I.P. I give lots of piggy back rides, and other such fun rough housing. But I usually make the kids say stuff in English, or do something first. Some of the 5 year olds discovered that if they drew me pictures during their free play time, I'd give them more "super-jumps" and such. So it got to be a habit of receiving a bunch of pictures after lunch everyday. This one is freaking insane!!!!!! That's all one picture. Ms. Julpha said that 4 of the girls had been working on it all week. As soon as I walked into their room, the girls ran to where they'd put the picture, and then all walked to me with at least one hand holding the picture. That sucker's as long as me ha ha ha!! The kids have also got the idea that if they are touching the picture when it is given to me, that means they get a super-jump. So everyone tends to try to help deliver pictures ha ha ha. It's all kind of crazy.
On Halloween morning, Ms. Jaciel dressed up as Sadako, aka Ring girl, and burst out of nowhere to scare the pre-schoolers as they were arriving. While the kids screamed and clung to their Moms, the Moms screamed and then clapped. They thought it was awesome. This alone made me laugh my head off. At one point, Ms. Jaciel was standing still in a hallway, waiting to scare Minori. I didn't know she was there at the time, and ended up being the one getting scared instead. Lots of screaming, running and all that.
Here's my favorite moment from the Korea Trip. This was around Midnight, in the middle of a market-place maze. I tried pig's foot and some blood sausage. The pig's foot was bland and chewy, and the blood sausage wasn't too bad. That night was so much FUUUUN.
I've been buying lots of mushrooms for my own nabe hot pot dinners. It's almost like pasta ha ha ha.
I went to the book store the other day, and it's always been interesting to see the books about poop. Unko. I read that one, which is all about how poop gets used to help things grow…etc. I've even seen little gold poop stickers or paperweights. …..Interesting.
I'm building up a treat package for Mike, and I've been looking for some delicious stuff, and a few crazy things. I found some Ramen Chips, those should be interesting. This one I thought I should try before I send to him. I was pretty hesitant, but it was in the treat section and seemed so bizarre. Well….was a definite EWWW. Imagine an extremely thin slice of bread, that is heavily breaded and soaked in oil. One bite was enough. I'm not sending this to Mike ha ha ha.
I really wish I could send the treats in the bakery, because THOSE are the best. Dango, Warabi Mochi, Pancakes…..so yummy. Here's a type of Mochi I hadn't tried yet.
It had a strawberry in the middle. That made it soooo good!!!
Thats it for now. YAY FOR TAKARAZUKA!!!!