I'll be flying back Wednesday, so I'll be blogging like MAD quite soon. I have my 32 GB memory card in my camera, and seriously HUNDREDS of photos and videos. It will take a while to get an awesome vid or 2 of the past month with Tash and then with Hill, but I will be able to put pictures up of both of those things when I get back.
I also have a crap load of work waiting for me (yay!) in the world of audio books, and I'm working a double weekend at the mandarin. I'm in the middle of figuring out which of my 3 jobs I'll have to let go of, because I'll be starting up school in September. Adding that to audiobooks, theater, mandarin, and Japanese, and something's gotta go. And it's NOT Japanese. Sometimes that's the only thing that keeps me sane.
It'll either be Mandarin or Theater. I'm waiting to see what Angel has in store for me. If she doesn't have me training to be a server, or even Bar/Dessert, anytime soon, then I'll have to drop it. I love working there, but from now on I don't have time to waste on jobs that don't help with the student loans.
I paid off a huge chunk today. WHEW! Love that feeling. Focus on the loan going down, not the amount in your bank account going down.
anywho. I'll update in a few more days with MEGA TONS of photos and videos.
I have to say, today had my favorite sights of the whole vacation. Took my breath away, i was so happy! Kuli'ou'ou. WORTH the hike.
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