Trash days are:
Burnables: Tues & Fri
Non-Burnables: Every 2nd Wednesday
You have to buy special labeled bags for your garbage, they also have to have the correct city name on them. When it's time to throw them out, you bring them to a designated area along the curb. It's not hard to miss. It's covered with some sort of net to keep the crows from sifting through things.
I saw one crow on a neighborhood walk. That's about it.
Yesterday I walked home during lunchtime. Halfway home I realized I was still in my "inside" shoes. I felt like I was naked for the rest of the walk. These are normal slip on shoes, nothing out of the ordinary. But since I designated them as my inside slip ons, as in, you can't wear any shoes inside except those ones, they've become something different in my head.
Anyways, it was embarrassing. Knowing I was out while my sneakers were still at school.
Today a bunch of my coworkers were having me sample all sorts of stuff. Ms. Julfa made a liver dish. I'd never tried liver before. The texture was familiar, the taste was not. Not bad. Ms. Jakka bought some chips at the store. If you closed your eyes you could imagine you were eating all the flavors of a taco in a single chip. Interesting. And Ms. Michiyo brought out some cafe latte boxes (in the same kind of container as an apple juice box for a kid). Not bad.
We were all talking about travel, and Ms. Jakka spoke about wanting to visit Cambodia. I asked where, and she replied, "Encore what". Ms. Julfa & Ms. Jeschell then started saying, "Encore Where? Encore Who? Encore Why?"
Ms. Minori laughed because I had this dazed look of "what the?" on my face. I said, "Wait, where do you want to visit?"
"Encore what."
".....what is that?"
Lots of laughter followed. They explained that whenever Americans would say silly things to each other, the women couldn't follow because they didn't understand American humor. Well....likewise with me not understanding their Asian humor.
Turns out it wasn't Encore What. That's just how it's pronounced. And miracle of miracles, when they described the place, I knew where they were talking about.
Oh. One more thing. Have you ever had one of those wonderful moments when you're racked with worry because you've been working your butt off but you still need time to finish something, and then you discover you actually have lots more time?
That happened to me today. I've got 2 more days of prep time!!!! SOOOO RELIEVED. I just finished decorating. Now I can assemble my arts and craft supplies, and go through this months curriculum.
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