Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Oh Yuto-kun

Since it's summer school right now, I'm not I charge of caring for after school day care kids. One kid who is always there is cutie-face 2 year old Yuto. He is adorable, and is always belting out Let it Go, or It's a Small World. In Japanese of course. He doesn't know too much English yet because hey, he's two. But he talks up a storm in Japanese. I can actually understand most of it! Anywho, a few days ago I was in the bear room on my break, studying. Yuto was with Mr John in the neighboring penguin room. Yuto was talking a bunch to Mr John and Mr John was talking back. Neither knew what the other was saying, but they didn't seem to mind. At some point I heard Yuto say, "mou ii kai..." A few times. 

I'd happened to see a takarazuka show where they said that a bunch during a scene, and it was always followed by a "mada da yo". I didn't quite know what it meant.

I know we aren't supposed to speak Japanese while at school, but I sometimes sneak in a random sentence or two. 

I quietly started saying "mada da yo" everytime he said "mou ii kai." I had no idea what it meant, I figured I'd just try saying it and see what happened. I tried to say it soft enough that Mr. John didnt hear me.  After two times I think Yuto heard me, because he got quiet and giggled a bit. He kept saying mou ii Kai as he ran into my room and gave me a big hug. Me John hadn't heard me, so he seemed a bit confused ha ha!

I looked the meanings up.
Mou ii Kai - ready yet?
Mada da yo - not yet!
Mou ii yo - ready!

Japanese hide and seek! Such a cute Yuto moment!

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